The Red Flag of Hatred (Part Two)

In part One of this series, I explored the destructive and unnatural hatred which can consume a child traumatized by “Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)” or “Parental Alienation (PA)”.

I will again be referencing this article as I did in Part One: ““Emotional Abuse of Children Due to Implacable Hostility Between Parents (Is it PA or something else?)”

Under the heading, “Emotional Abuse of Children due to Parental Alienation,” this statement is found: “Emotional abuse due to PA is a form of rejection and aggression frequently expressed by a parent who suffers from a variety of psychological disturbances including, in some cases, mental illness…”

Notice that PA is a form of “emotional abuse” inflicted upon an innocent child “by a parent who suffers from a variety of psychological disturbances including…mental illness.”

As noted in this article and in Part One, a child expressing hatred toward one parent because of an acrimonious divorce finds themselves in an unnatural setting through the implacable hatred of the alienating parent. This is criminal child abuse, affecting both child and alienated (disfavored) parent.

The article continues: “A child who fails to ‘side’ totally with the more influential custodial parent is frequently coerced into reflecting the views of the custodial parent in that the other parent (usually the father) is bad, violent, aggressive or unworthy in some way. Failure of the child to adjust to such alienation, leads to the emotional abuse of the child with severe consequences likely in the short and long term…”

I have experienced this situation with my alienated children as noted elsewhere through this section of my blog. It is one of the most disturbing and hurtful pathologies which occur through this form of child abuse and is perhaps the most difficult for an alienated parent to deal with. Having a once loving child now hateful and hostile against you is almost impossible to describe.

As difficult as it is for the disfavored parent to deal with, the alienated child expressing the implacable hatred suffers the most. The above quoted section from the article states: “Failure of the child to adjust to such alienation, leads to the emotional abuse of the child with severe consequences likely in the short and long term…”

This fact is one of the most counterintuitive aspects of PAS/PA. How is it possible, one might ask, that the one parent (in this example, the alienating parent who is pitting the children against the other parent) is viewed by the children as the “good” parent when the facts clearly show the mother (the alienating parent) is the abuser responsible for inflicting the greatest amount of psychological damage upon her own children?

Such abuse is part of the brainwashing inflicted upon innocent children. Children damaged by this hatred for their fathers, slowly and inconspicuously dripped into their minds by a mentally disturbed mother with deep psychological issues of her own, are seeds that will, sooner or later, sprout in the minds of these innocents. Eventually, they will require professional counseling (with expertise in the twin pathologies of PAS/PA) in order to come to grips with what has happened to them.

The article continues with the following insight:

“Frequently children are unaware of how they are being manipulated by a parent leading to a loss of contact with the absent parent…” 

I have been estranged from all of my children for many years—going on two decades. I do not believe any of them have the slightest understanding of what has happened to them due to their psychologically disturbed and manipulative mother and how she has pitted them against me by almost two decades of lies and brainwashing.

Unfortunately, though I believe one day all three of them will “come to the light” and see how they have been abused and manipulated by her, I fear I will be long dead. Such is only one sad and horrible aspect of this form of mental and emotional child abuse from PAS and PA.