Spiritual darkness deepens upon UC Berkeley

I’m going to minister and preach on the campus of UC Berkeley starting this Monday, December 26, 2018, for one full week (Lord willing). I was there in 2014 ago for about three months for what was called the “Berkeley Blitz.” This will be the “Berkeley Blitz #2.”

UC Berkeley has become a hotbed of LGBTQ extremism, hate and intolerance for Christians. As this video from Fox News details, Christian UC Berkeley Senator Isabella Chow has been under assault by “Big Gay” and it is only getting worse for this brave Christian.  Pay particular attention to how Ms. Chow answered the question posed to her by Laura Ingram beginning at 5:16.

My hope is to make a public and BOLD show of support for her and use this national issue as a springboard for the preaching and teaching of the Lord’s ways and to give the Gospel to those who are willing and ready to hear.

If you live in the Berkeley area, I want to invite you to join the team being developed to minister with me. And please, if you feel so led, keep the outreach in your prayers. I expect to face violence and a huge pushback from the campus at large.