A little known fact concerning Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW’s) is they are liars. Truth is neither honored nor valued in this false religious group.
My latest Youtube video proves this:
Beginning at timestamp 2:35, there is a JW who claims to be from the “Sheriff’s office.” Before I accidentally deleted this video (read here), I had several comments from various people who questioned whether or not a JW could be a member of law enforcement and carry a gun. The consensus was that they could not.
At timestamp 5:35, you can clearly read his name on his name tag: George Liebman from the “Kyrene Congregation” in Phoenix, AZ. Their phone number is (480) 961-3445.

George appears to be inferring he is a deputy Sheriff, wouldn’t you say? That is certainly the impression I get, further confirmed at 2:54 when he talks about “getting back up here and we can have you arrested.” And when he tells me at 5:35 that he would have “loved to lock me up,” that leaves no question of his purported authority as a member of law enforcement.
On July 31, 2014, I called the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office in Phoenix and asked them if a “George Liebman” worked there. No such person was listed, either under that spelling or under “Lieberman.” Nothing.
It appears that George was lying, behavior that I have previously run into dealing with JW’s.
In reviewing the video, I ask George, “Where’s your badge? (2:31)” My question appears to take him by surprise and he replies, “I don’t have it with me; I don’t bring it.” I’m no Sheriff’s deputy nor a member of law enforcement, but I was under the impression that an off-duty officer is required to carry both his gun and his badge at all times. I could be wrong, but that’s the impression I have.
George clearly does not know what he is talking about in this short conversation. At all times in this video, I was on public property; any legitimate law enforcement officer should know this. When George first spoke with me, I was outside the convention center, underneath the expansive, protective overhang. Here, my constitutional rights to simply be walking around and videoing people is even more clear than when I was inside doing the same thing.
Again, a real police officer would have known this. There may have been some confusion even among experienced officers of my constitutional right to be videoing inside the building (though well-trained officers would certainly not be confused even in this setting), but not on the outside of a public building: it is clearly established that members of the public have constitutional rights to video anybody they want outside of tax-payer funded and built public buildings like convention centers. This is what we call a “no brainer.”
Also, what law enforcement professional would ever say something so unprofessional as “I’d just love to lock you up”? (5:34) All the evidence points to the fact that ole’ George Liebman was lying through his JW teeth.